Anyone else feel completely exhausted, run down, constantly stressed and overwhelmed all the time? Like walking dead perhaps? Do you ever fall apart and cry because you don't have the energy to take care of your family? Raise your hand fellow hot mess moms... 

In addition to being tired all the time, here are some other signs:

  • Weight gain

  • Overeating/eating unhealthy foods

  • Craving salty foods

  • Waking up feeling tired in the morning

  • Increased energy at night

  • Overuse of stimulants like caffeine

  • Inability to handle stress

  • A weakened immune system

I learned about adrenal fatigue last year, which my acupuncturist Amy Rhodes appropriately calls, "Modern Mom Disease" (not to say just moms get adrenal fatigue, of course), and have been working on healing and maintaining ever since. At the time my youngest is almost 3 now and I recently remembered I had my own self to take care of as well, not just my little ones - granted this doesn't come easy when your children are really young and have constant needs. Our to-do lists these days are insane and our bodies unfortunately pay the price. Adrenal glands are walnut sized organs that sit on top of the kidneys and are responsible for cortisol regulation, metabolism, keeping inflammation under control and our energy levels. They secrete stress hormones in fight-or-flight situations, which in modern busy lifestyles is pretty much all the time. They become over worked, "fatigued" and burn out from constantly secreting hormones.  

The Dutch Test (test for hormones and adrenals) confirmed my suspicions of Adrenal Fatigue, and my numbers are in the tank, like full burn out levels. I don't like feeling this way and am committed to making changes, slowing down and being kind to myself. My Integrative Family Doctor , Cammy Benton MD, gave me a plan and the improvement has been significant - I’ll be delving into each of these with additional blog posts.



Avoid sugar, processed foods and hydrogenated oils. No more grains for breakfast and I now have a green smoothie (with Juice Plus Complete) and a hard boiled egg instead. Protein in the morning is really important to nourish adrenals throughout the day and cutting grain eliminates the mid-day energy dump. 


It didn’t happen!!! We’ve all survived and I don’t miss like I thought I would!

It didn’t happen!!! We’ve all survived and I don’t miss like I thought I would!

...Ouch. Yes, I dropped coffee......this was tough since I love the flavor, smell, my mugs, the jumpstart and routine of it. Pretty much everything about coffee I love. But caffeine KILLS your adrenals, so I'm a tea girl now and am loving the way it makes me feel - I'm no longer jacked up all the time and didn't realize how much I used to tremble and shake from caffeine. I'm sleeping much better also - learned that the average half life for coffee is 6 hours meaning that after 6 hours half the caffeine is still in your system. That's' an average, so some people (like myself) are more sensitive and it can effect you much longer than you think.



Commit to 8-10 hours a night. This is hard when your little ones still wake at night....I am hooked on Doterra's Serenity essential oil and put on the bottom of my feet before bed every night.


My current handful of daily capsules

My current handful of daily capsules

Magnesium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B Complex, Ashwaghanda, Rhodiola, fish oil, holy basil, licorice root and maca.


Photo at Y2 Yoga, my yoga home in Charlotte - they do have many intense classes so make sure you get the right type!

Photo at Y2 Yoga, my yoga home in Charlotte - they do have many intense classes so make sure you get the right type!

No more high impact and cardio, which put stress on your adrenals. I've been doing yoga 3 times a week and walking. 



I've been going every two weeks and it is a wonderful way to support your adrenals. In Charlotte I highly recommend Amy Rhodes and have been her patient for nearly a decade - I prefer an acupuncture session with her over a massage any day. I don’t understand exactly how it works, but it does and I love it. The needles don’t bother me and are so thin many you don't feel at all. I leave feeling like I’m walking on a cloud - call it my “chi buzz” and it is THE BEST!


I took a Primordial Sound Meditation class with Brenna Smith based on Deepak Chopra's teachings (highly recommend) and 15 minutes every morning has made a big difference. I'm working on being less distracted and more present and mindful. 


Every day carve out some down time for yourself when you're not tackling your to-do list. Do things that let you zone out. I enjoy my mindfulness coloring books and sewing projects like knitting, while listening to my Star is Born soundtrack. 


Again, this first post is more a summary and I’ll be delving in more! Ultimate goal - Less frazzle, more zen!

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