Ragweed: Fall's Biggest Bother

Ragweed is THE biggest allergy trigger in the fall. It usually starts with August's warm days and cooler nights - ESPECIALLY if there's been enough rain in the early summer. 

Even if ragweed doesn't grow where you live, the pollen can find you.  A single ragweed plant can produce up to a billion pollen grains per season - and if the wind is right, they can travel hundreds of miles. 

The "sneezin' season" often lasts well into October.  

Goldenrod is often mistaken for Ragweed.  Goldenrod does NOT cause allergies, but it's an important food source for pollinators this time of year.  Please don't uproot it!  (Scroll down to learn the difference and control methods)

About 75% of people with allergies to spring plants also react to ragweed. 

Allergy symptoms include:

  • itchy and runny noses
  • itchy and watery eyes
  • dark circles under eyes
  • sneezing
  • throat irritation
  • coughing

Some people who are allergic to ragweed can also react to certain types of produce, including bananas, melon, and zucchini.

If you struggle with allergies, you've probably tried the usual treatments:  antihistamines to stop the dripping and itching, decongestants to relieve stuffiness, and steroid nasal sprays to reduce inflammation.  Many of these come with unwanted side effects like drowsiness, confusion, and dry breathing passages.

Natural approaches can give relief without side effects, with ingredients you feel comfortable giving your family! 

Sweet's Elderberry Syrup is made with seasonally rotated raw honey, capturing the very types of pollen causing your discomfort, and cinnamon, clove, and ginger - all selected for flavor AND their abilities to soothe and support you.

Elderberry contains anti-inflammatory compounds to soothe your swollen breathing passages and reduce your immune system's overreaction to allergens - plus Vitamins A and C.  

Honey is more effective at soothing throats and coughs than dextromethorphan, the active ingredient in many over-the-counter cold and allergy medications.

Dr. Cammy Benton of Benton Integrative Medicine in Huntersville, NC, says, "We have used various forms of elderberry syrup for daily immune support, but I really prefer the taste of Sweet's and am convinced that raw honey has added benefits, including seasonal allergy support. I highly recommend this product because it is also made with love and the desire to improve the health of those who use it."

Bottled Sweet's Syrup contains honey local to the Southeastern United States.  If you'd like the extra seasonal support of hyper-local honey, blend your region's varietal with a Sweet's DIY Kit

Avoiding sweeteners entirely?  Need an option safe for pregnancy, nursing, or babies? Get the anti-inflammatory benefits of elderberry with Sweet's Extract or travel-friendly Daily Defense Tincture.

You'll want to take your daily serving, of course, but can use Sweet's more frequently if you're experiencing seasonal discomfort.  Check your product label for the maximum number of doses per day. 

Not sure if you have ragweed or goldenrod in your yard?  

Be well, Sweet friends!

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