Our Ingredients

When we read an ingredient label, we prefer to see actual "food" and pronounceable components.  That's exactly what you'll find on a Sweet's label: simple, whole food ingredients carefully chosen for their individual health-supporting properties AND great flavor.


One of the top medicinal plants in the world, elderberry has been used for millennia for its antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.  Elderberries are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, and a good source of calcium, iron, and vitamin B6.  They also contain flavonoids that can bind to viruses, blocking their ability to infect host cells.  Dark blue and purple foods like elderberry also feature anthocyanidins - antioxidants that neutralize harmful free radicals in the body - and the amounts in Elderberry exceed blueberry and cranberry!  Elderberry is traditionally used to provide relief from colds, flu, and sinus infection, as well as digestive support.  Our organic Elderberries are grown in the Styrian region of Austria by farmers we've met, know, and trust.  


Honey's benefits are tremendous - 27 minerals, 22 amino acids, 5,000 different live enzymes, hydrogen peroxide, and antioxidants.  Together, these kill bacteria and fungus, protect your body from cell damage, reduce inflammation, and ease digestion.  Sweet's is the only elderberry syrup maker around who rotates our recipe's honey based on the season.  This ensures you get the protective pollen for what's in bloom!  We use Herb's Honey - the finest in the Southeast - carefully preserving the live enzymes by pouring honey ONLY after the syrup has cooled.  If you're not in the Southeast and want the allergy protection of your local honey, consider mixing it with a Sweet's DIY Kit!


Most cinnamon sold in the United States is cassia cinnamon, harvested from single layers of tough, dark red outer bark, with a spicy sweetness.  We use Ceylon cinnamon, or "true cinnamon," made by rolling layers of delicate, light brown interior bark.  It has a mildly sweet, floral flavor, but that's not the main reason we use it!  Ceylon cinnamon has higher levels of proanthocyanidins - antioxidants that protect against cell damage.  Cinnamon is traditionally used to fight bacteria and fungus, support the immune system, reduce inflammation, improve cardiovascular function, and ease digestion.  This fall, Stephanie will visit organic farmers in Sri Lanka to source this star ingredient!


The organic cloves used in Sweet's Syrup and Sweet's DIY Kits have strong antiseptic, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties.  With a strong, sweet, warm flavor similar to nutmeg, cloves are used to relieve mouth pain, soothe headache, and heal sore throats. 


There's no flavor quite like it: sweet, warm, spicy, and aromatic, with mellow wood notes.  It's responsible for the warm sensation in your throat after you drink your daily Sweet's, and it's capable of fighting cold and flu symptoms, aiding digestion, easing menstrual cramps, and reducing nausea.  Not only is ginger loaded with antioxidants, it contains gingerols that inhibit bacteria growth and reduce inflammation. 

When you buy a Sweet's product, you can be assured that we've done the homework on our ingredients and scouted out the best sources, to create a high quality product you can trust.  It's what we want for our own families, and what we're proud to offer you.  




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