Holiday Recipe: Elderberry Fool

Apothecary Mary's Elderberry Fool with Sweet's Syrup

Ever heard of a fool?  It's a lovely concoction of whipped cream, fruit, and extra goodies.  This Elderberry Fool with Sweet's Syrup is a fun take on an old classic, the perfect addition for holiday brunch or dessert.  

How is a fool different from a parfait?  

Parfaits are traditionally frozen custard with cake, although we're all probably more familiar with the Americanized breakfast version that is yogurt and granola.  A fool is whipped cream and fruit... no cake.  Although there's no judgment if you want to add cake!  

Can you make a dairy-free fool?  

Yes, you can make a dairy-free fool!  Coconut cream (yeah, the thick, almost solid cream from the can) works perfectly as a substitute for whipped cream.  

This fool would be lovely with any fruit.  Persimmons and chopped pears would be a nice addition!  You can also sprinkle on crumbled cake or cookies (like gingersnaps).

So here you go, baby.  I'm a fool for you, Elderberry Fool with Sweet's Syrup!


Author: Apothecary Mary               

Ingredients (for 2 servings):

  • 1 can coconut milk (full-fat)
  • 1 tsp sugar or coconut sugar (optional)
  • 4 Tbsp Sweet's Elderberry Syrup
  • Seeds from one pomegranate or other fruit


  1. Leave can of coconut milk in fridge overnight.
  2. Open can of coconut milk, remove solid white cream from can, and put in mixing bowl.
  3. Sprinkle sugar over cream.
  4. Whip coconut cream until similar to whipped cream.
  5. Layer cream in stemmed glasses or clear dishes, alternating with layers of pomegranate seeds.
  6. Drizzle 1-2 Tbsp of Sweet's Syrup over each fool.  Serve!

Enjoy, Sweet readers!  Please post a photo to social media, tagging @sweetselderberry and @apothecarymary if you make this recipe!  We'd love to see!

Photos by Mary Banducci.  Photos, recipe and blog portions reprinted with permission from Apothecary Mary.  Learn more at www.apothecarymary.com

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