Essential Oils for Brain Fog


Feeling cloudy?  Distracted?  Forgetful? 

Reducing stress and screen time helps, along with maintaining a good sleep schedule.  But if you need a quick pick-me-up to banish that brain fog and boost focus RIGHT NOW, breathe in these uplifting scents!

Aromas pass quickly into the brain's limbic system, which regulates your long-term memory, emotions, concentration, hormones, and heart rate. 

Certain scents can reduce your stress response, promote a sense of calm, and boost energy and focus.  

ROSEMARY: mental clarity, alertness, focus, memory

FRANKINCENSE: promotes clear thinking for decision-making, improves concentration, creates sense of wellbeing and peace

PEPPERMINT: invigorating, stimulating, energy boosting

VETIVER: soothes a tired mind, promotes balance

SWEET BASIL: reduces sluggishness, improves memory retention and recall

Try this combo in a roll-on and apply to your wrists before work/study time:  Rosemary (6 drops) + Peppermint (2 drops) + Sweet Basil (3 drops) + Jojoba Oil (1 ounce)

Use these blends in your diffuser to combat brain fog:

  • Rosemary + Frankincense + Peppermint
  • Lavender + Frankincense + Vetiver
  • Lemon + Rosemary

No diffuser?  No problem!  Place a few slices of lemon and a sprig of rosemary in a pot of water on your stove.  Bring to a boil, then reduce to the lowest setting.  Let simmer for several minutes and enjoy the uplifting scent!  Be sure to check the pot frequently and turn it off before your water is gone.

Reducing inflammation in the body also battles brain fog!  Elderberry is rich in cell-protecting antioxidants and is a natural anti-inflammatory.  Have you had your Sweet's Elderberry today?

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