Is Elderberry Safe for Everyone? A Guide to Elderberry Usage and Precautions

Is Elderberry Safe for Everyone?

What You Need to Know Before Adding Elderberry to Your Daily Wellness Routine

Elderberry has been trusted for thousands of years as an immune system support, making it a popular supplement in the natural wellness community.

For most people, elderberry is a safe and effective addition to a daily wellness routine. However, certain individuals should skip elderberry or use caution before adding this powerful superfood to their regimen.

Sweet's Elderberry Syrup being poured into a dosage marked shotglass using a lidded spout

If you're considering gifting elderberry supplements like Sweet’s Elderberry to a friend or incorporating them into your own routine, it's important to know whether any of the following apply:

1. Individuals on Autoimmune Disease Medications: Skip Elderberry 

Elderberry is an immunomodulator, meaning it helps your immune system regulate and do its best work. It can increase your immune activity when needed (like when you're fighting a cold or the flu) and can help calm overreactions (like the sinus inflammation that comes with seasonal allergies).

Individuals with autoimmune disease have an overactive immune system that attacks and damages the body's own tissues. Medications used to treat this problem suppress, or reduce, the immune system's function. 

Elderberry and immunosuppressant medications will work against each other, reducing the effectiveness of the prescribed drug. If you or someone you know is taking medication for a chronic condition like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, it's best to skip elderberry. 

2. Organ Transplant Recipients: Skip Elderberry

Anyone who has received an organ transplant should avoid elderberry. This natural immune booster can interfere with medications being used to suppress the immune system and prevent organ rejection. If you’re an organ transplant recipient, always talk with your healthcare provider before trying any new supplements.

A handful of fresh black elderberries (Sambucus nigra)

3. People Managing Bowel Issues: Avoid Glycerin-Based Elderberry

For individuals who regularly use laxatives or are managing inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or Crohn’s disease, it’s important to avoid glycerin-based elderberry products like Sweet's Elderberry Extract or Tincture. These products may stimulate bowel activity, potentially worsening symptoms of diarrhea or other digestive issues. Instead, try a Sweet's Elderberry product without glycerin, like Syrup or Shrub.

4. Chemotherapy Patients: Consult Your Doctor

If you are undergoing chemotherapy, it is crucial to consult with your doctor to prevent possible interactions between your supplements and your cancer treatment.

5. Pregnant and Nursing Mothers, and Babies Under 12 Months

Is elderberry safe during pregnancy and nursing, and for babies? That depends on the added ingredients. While pregnant or nursing, avoid elderberry products that contain raw honey—like Elderberry Syrup with Raw Honey—and do not serve raw honey products to babies under 12 months, due to the risk of infant botulism.

For a safe alternative, choose from Sweet's Elderberry's selection of vegan, honey-free products, like:

Baby holding Sweet's Elderberry Tincture Dropper Bottle

Know When to Avoid Elderberry for Your Health and Wellness

While elderberry can offer many health benefits, including supporting the immune system, providing antioxidants, and promoting overall wellness, it is not suitable for everyone. Always check with your healthcare provider if you fall into any of these categories and are considering introducing elderberry into your wellness routine.

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