Pollen Food Allergy Syndrome

If you're a seasonal allergy sufferer, you may be able to ease symptoms naturally by avoiding certain foods while your trigger pollen is high!

Sometimes, the immune system relates pollen with similar proteins in raw fruits, veggies, and tree nuts, and sends an allergic response.  Your mouth or throat may itch while eating foods linked to your trigger pollen.  This is called Pollen Food Allergy Syndrome (PFAS) or Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS). 
Common cross-reacting pollens are birch, alder, and elm, along with grasses.  
If you're sensitive to their pollen, it may be helpful to avoid certain raw foods for a little while!  These foods are usually reaction-free when cooked.
PFAS is rare in small children, because we do not develop seasonal allergies until around 3 years old. 
Cross-reactions usually happen with older kids, teens, and young adults who have been eating these foods with no trouble for years.   
Here's a handy guide to check your specific allergies. 
Elderberry can reduce your body's inflammatory response to pollen.  It's especially effective when combined with raw season-specific honey, like in Sweet's Syrup.
But if you're avoiding honey, ANY Sweet's product will offer anti-inflammatory benefits!  Try our unsweetened Extract, travel-friendly Tincture, two-in-one Shrub, or create your own syrup with a DIY Kit.
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